A Quasi Static Drop Test is a way of simulating dynamic drop
impact without doing a dynamic or nonlinear analysis. Basically it involves
applying g loads equivalent to a fixed height drop and applying fixed boundary
conditions on the area of impact being investigated. The shock load was applied
to a specific point and in a specific direction via vector steering. It can be a reasonable approximation of an
equivalent nonlinear response analysis which should be more accurate but
requires much more computation time. Linear analyses that go nonlinear
indicate a need to do a nonlinear analysis.
Click on the image below to see the FEA model
Ultrasonic Cleaner
Client created the solid model with SolidWorks
DeepSoft created a simplified but structurally significant solid model with SolidWorks
DeepSoft created the FEA model and did the FEA with Algor & InCAD |