This device was designed by Battelle Laboratories for the US Army. Although the design is proprietary, it's not classified.
The original detailed solid model was created with SolidWorks. DeepSoft, LLC. created a simplified model of just the structurally significant
components, also done in SolidWorks. This model was then transferred to Algor
via InCAD for creation of a FEA model. The FEA model consists of an assembly
of 74 parts plus 9 major components which were modeled as point lumped
masses and located with virtual beam elements. This was nearly a 2 million
Degree of Freedom (DOF) model which is a fairly complex model. Color bars were removed to hide proprietary
Portable Ultrasonic Cleaner Modal Frequency Results
Click on an Image to Display a Larger Image
SolidWorks Panels Shown |
SolidWorks Open Model |
Algor FEA Mode 2 |
Algor FEA Mode 3 |
Algor FEA Mode 4 |
Algor FEA Mode 6 |
Algor FEA Mode 7 |
Algor FEA Mode 7 |
Algor FEA Mode 8 |